HS2 What for ?????

The Plas Kynaston Canal Group are supporters of Local, Regional & National Railways and would welcome a station being opened at Cefn Mawr, and we formerly support the reinstatement of a service such as the Wrexham and Shropshire. We want to see engineering, maintenance, manufacturing and operations work for such go to UK Companies so helping with our balance of payments and the vocational training, education and employment of our people.

Meet the ugly duckling not the golden goose!


However we do not see the HS2 Program as being in the best interests of such purely for practical reasons, therefore we are not supporters of HS2 and are now actively helping HS2 Opposition Groups with this web page and hoping that you will join in. This is something that will cost us all dearly for generations to come if allowed to go ahead.

  • The HS2 is going to cost billions, i.e. (33 Billion in 2013 and now 55 Billion in 2017 and climbing) which means each and every house hold will have to pay towards it. Do you want to pay for a train you will probably never catch?
  • HS2, 400kph trains use 3 times more power than 200kph trains, therefore this will require more energy resulting in greater carbon emissions unless we build more nuclear power stations, do you want that?
  • HS2 is ignoring the environmental costs to our country side.
  • HS2 is positively devaluing the price of property in both green belt and urban sectors.
  • HS2 will not deliver local benefits, try getting on one!
  • HS2 will not deliver many regional benefits due to the limited main stations; it isn’t going to stop any other place!
  • It overestimates the value of time savings, 33B for 30mins = £1.3 billion per minute even the Greeks aren’t that bad!
  • It ignores the impact of new technologies, which are reducing demand for travel.
  • The alternative Rail Package 2 is designed to meet demand incrementally, has a superior rate of return, and costs just £2bn. Clearly better value for all.
  • Air travel will be greatly reduced by HS2, and pigs may fly!
There are other more cost effective means of reducing passenger numbers on planes.
  • Myth, the UK lacks fast rail connectivity between our major cities, the truth is average journey times are faster than our European competitors and we already have an extensive fast rail network, try some train spotting at Milton Keynes for proof.
  • The DfT say expenditure on HS2 will amount to £750m by 2015, but a freedom of information request shows the real budget is £1.15bn and that is just for planning permission!
  • At £160m/mile, HS2 will be the most expensive railway in the world.
  • It is said HS2 is a sound investment returning over £2 for every £1 spent, really, prove it?

Although the TGV network is highly regarded across the world, investment in regional networks has often suffered, the result being inadequate local service provision and old rolling stock. Additionally, the track on the traditional routes has often been subjected to 'maintenance holidays' leading to widespread temporary speed restrictions; a further disincentive for people to make use of the local and regional services.


Therefore once again the PKC Group say look at the overall picture.

High-speed rail: A £250m lesson for Britain's HS2 rail enthusiasts

As the Government prepares to give the go-ahead to its hugely controversial London-Birmingham high speed rail project, its closest equivalent in Europe has had to be saved from bankruptcy with a £250 million government bailout.


The Vale of Alsbury in the Chilterns

Why not use our existing railway lines as we suggest with the GWR line from London to Birmingham before we go ploughing up more countryside such as planned with HS2 and evicting people from their homes! Where is the sense in this and how can an expense of this magnitude with such poor and dubious returns be justified in times of austerity that we are currently facing?


If it is financially viable, how come we the tax payers have to pay for it?

Check out the Welsh By Pass, at £1000.00 per family we are paying an awful lot for nothing!

Does this mean that the people of Wales are paying THREE BILLION POUNDS for a railway that doesn’t come to Wales?

Please tell us why we should pay this?

Flawed HS2 Business Case
Summary of the flawed business case for HS2 by Action Alliance
Flawed HS2 Business Case.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [222.3 KB]
A Better Railway for Britain
This informative summary document shows a better way than HS2
A Better Railway for Britain.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]

HS2 Opposition Groups

Stop HS2 – www.stophs2.org



HS2 Action Alliance against HS2 - www.hs2aa.org



Better than HS2 - www.betterthanhs2.org

51M Against HS2 - www.51m.co.uk